Jana Love | Jul 24, 2018 9:04:00 AM
Topics: Memorable Interactions, Being Attentive, Communication, Follow-Up
Jana Love | May 22, 2018 9:06:00 AM
Topics: Customer Feedback, Communication, Demonstrating Consideration
Katie Scheer | Apr 17, 2018 9:25:00 AM
Truth: Using a structured follow-up system is a guaranteed way to grow your business and revenue.
There’s more- great follow-up processes will give your business a huge advantage over less tenacious competitors. Now here are 5 sales and follow-up stats that will surprise and also fire you up...
Topics: Communication, Sales and Selling, Growth, Follow-Up
Jana Love | Jan 16, 2018 9:07:00 AM
Topics: Customer Experience, Communication, First Impressions and Greetings
Katie Scheer | Dec 12, 2017 9:24:00 AM
Let's stop faking it. Deliver the customer service that you want to receive, and sell honestly in such a way that you would want to buy from you. Consumers today seek and crave authenticity since there's too much garbage always getting in the way of the truth and what's genuine. No more acting or saying what you think will give you the best end result. Instead, speak the truth and make yourself proud. Yes, this is your Oprah moment, and you too could become rich (if you aren't already).
Topics: Being Attentive, Customer Service, Communication, Sales and Selling, Honesty and Trust
Jana Love | Dec 5, 2017 3:02:00 PM
This will be our 4th year in a row providing you with some darling holiday enjoyment during this wonderful time of the year. Is there anything sweeter than the innocence of a child's view on how the world runs? Their perspective and beliefs on subjects like customer service are so straightforward and simple. Children's thoughts are pure and non-complicated, and this is where the lesson comes in for the adults.
So for your entertainment, we asked a group of kindergartners (5 and 6 years old) questions about customer service, and each year, we receive some very insightful answers. Their understanding on what good and bad customer service looks like to them is simple and basic and comes from a place of if it "feels good" or it doesn't. And, at the core of all that we strive for in providing good customer service, isn't that a great jumping off point to focus on? Simplifying the customer experience through these basic, yet insightful understandings are perhaps the real lesson.
Topics: Memorable Interactions, Customer Service, Communication