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"If you accept this price, I'll have a lot more work for you in the future." Agree to this deal only if the following points are true:
- Michael C. Donaldson, Negotiating for Dummies |
Michelle Nitchie | Aug 1, 2017 9:04:00 AM
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"If you accept this price, I'll have a lot more work for you in the future." Agree to this deal only if the following points are true:
- Michael C. Donaldson, Negotiating for Dummies |
Topics: Business Skills, Negotiation, Decision Making
Katie Scheer | Jul 18, 2017 12:32:06 PM
You are in business, which means you have customers that have absolutely made you feel this way. We have all been put in that tough position of dealing with a very unhappy, angry, and/or irrational customer, and at times, we have a hard time keeping our cool. Here are some simple quotes (that we are revisiting from before), along with my take on them, which will give you advice and tips for handling these tough customers and situations...
Topics: Customer Service, Negotiation, Difficult Situations
Katie Scheer | May 10, 2016 9:34:00 AM
You are in business, which means you have customers. Where there are customers, there are difficult customers. We have all been put in that tough position of dealing with a very unhappy customer, and at times, we have a hard time keeping our cool. Here are some simple quotes, along with my take on them, which will give you advice and tips for handling these tough customers and situations...
Topics: Customer Service, Negotiation, Difficult Situations
Michelle Nitchie | Nov 19, 2015 10:00:00 AM
One of the most self-destructive ways to listen in business and personal situations is listening with what I call the "yeah, buts." This condition occurs when there is a kernel (or more) of truth in something negative that is being said but you don't want to hear it. You are defensive about what the speaker is saying, so the first response out of your mouth is "yeah, but."
Whether you're listening to a customer, boss, or spouse, you've got to put the automatic "yeah, but" response on hold. These responses keep you from hearing the other person. You block out any chance you have of learning something from this person.
Topics: Listening, Business Skills, Negotiation
Jana Love | Oct 13, 2015 10:00:00 AM
Before one learns to walk, they have already witnessed many forms of negotiation. And, as we grow up we develop our own level of this skill called negotiating. What do you think of when you think of the word? Something like this?
Topics: Business Skills, Communication, Negotiation
Michelle Nitchie | Oct 8, 2015 10:00:00 AM
No matter how powerful your computer is, what the range of your cell phone is, or how clever your tracking system is, you still have just one way to get the order or close the deal: Ask whether your counterpart will agree to the current terms. If you have trouble asking for commitments, address that issue. Being able to clearly state your need helps in every negotiation and in every other phase of life.
-Michael C. Donaldson, Negotiating for Dummies
Topics: Communication, Sales and Selling, Negotiation