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Betsy Dahlke / Mar 12, 2019 9:04:00 AM

Since the techniques used to close the sale can either make or break the difference between gaining the sale or losing the business, the skills needed to be proactive and successful are invaluable. 

6StepsToClosingTheSale According to the article, 6 Effective Sales Strategies to Close Deals Faster by Adam Heitzman, there are several important aspects of closing the sale effectively. We wholeheartedly agree, so we have taken their 6 strategies and added our own thoughts and tips. There's no doubt that using these strategies during each opportunity will allow the Sales Manager to be successful in their quest to always gain the business.


Be sure you quickly determine who the decision maker is. Are you talking the to the person who can definitely make the final decision, or are you speaking with someone who is just obtaining information from you and then passing it along to the decision maker? If that is the case, you need to directly speak to the person who has the decision-making ability so that you can customize your sales presentation towards this person, based upon their specific needs and wants.


Heitzman says, A client can sense if you are being genuine during the sales process. In other words, it's important to convey to the client that you care about their business and not just the deal.”  Asking the right questions, in a sincere manner, will help you gain a better insight into what the customer is really looking for.  Once you have done this, it is much more comfortable, and you will be better able to express true interest, concern, and desire for the customer’s business.


Heitzman explains, “This does not mean rush the customer; it simply means try to give them a little extra reason why your product or service is the right choice, and the right choice right now.” Take the time to show value and convince the customer why they need your product and/or service sooner rather than later. Show the benefits as to why they should act now.


“Preparing the sales presentation to address and overcome potential objections can speed up any deal. If something catches you off-guard, you might need to take some time to think up a solution", Heitzman says. Try to come up with multiple resolutions (whenever possible) and then let the customer select what they think may be best for them. Make certain that you have successfully overcome their obstacles by openly asking if they are satisfied with these proposed solutions.


Per Heitzman, “Competing for business is tough. Knowing the areas that you are more competitive than your competition can lead to that quick close”.  Once you know who you are competing with, you will be able to be more successful in offering the value of products and services that your competition may not offer. Setting yourself apart from others can be the one factor that will help you successfully close the sale.


Focus on what you know and know a lot of! There is nothing that can kill a sale faster than having to backtrack on inaccurate information. You are a representative of your company and you always want to present yourself in a professional and honest manner. Be as knowledgeable as you can be with your product and services ~ be the expert. 

Another point to consider: What happens after the sale is closed? The sales process is not completed until effective follow-up has taken place after the sale has been closed. This aspect is often overlooked, but it is an essential part of the process. Your follow-up should always be timely and productive. Always send what you say you are going to send and be sure that you send it in a timely manner. Show the customer that he/she is important in your communications. Also, keep in mind that the last impression is just as important as the first impression. It is vital that the follow-up is professional and informative.

And remember, for a successful closing, the Sales Manager must convey their appreciation for the business and express their ability to provide the services agreed upon in the most positive and accommodating manner.    


Topics: Sales and Selling, Follow-Up

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