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ProTip: Customer Service is a Chain

Michelle Nitchie / Apr 23, 2015 10:00:00 AM

ChainLinkBecause of the need to serve internal as well as external customers, customer service must be everybody's job within a hospitality organization.  The housekeeper cannot defer to the front desk.  The kitchen cannot think that customer service only occurs tableside.  Moreover, management cannot divorce themselves either.  They are part and parcel of the entire quality service chain of events.  In fact, how management manages customer service and how service providers deliver it are the defining factors in this entire chain of mutual influence.

- William B. Martin, Providing Quality Service: What Every Hospitality Service Provider Needs to Know

When companies take the initiative to improve their customer service, too often they target only one or two departments, and only those in traditional customer service areas, such as sales agents or phone representatives.  While this will certainly increase the service level of the company, significantly larger gains can be made by also implementing company-wide service initiatives.  Your front line agents cannot fulfill the needs of your customers if the teams behind the scenes don't deliver excellent service as well.  Everyone at the company must know who their internal customers are and how to assist them for your external customers to see your company at its best and want to return time and time again.  If you have not tried mapping out this chain of connections, do so now to see who you (or your team) are linked to so you can better understand and brainstorm pathways for improvement that will impact more than just your own performance.


Topics: Being Attentive, Business Skills, Training, Teamwork

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