- Ask
- Ask
- Ask
No matter how powerful your computer is, what the range of your cell phone is, or how clever your tracking system is, you still have just one way to get the order or close the deal: Ask whether your counterpart will agree to the current terms. If you have trouble asking for commitments, address that issue. Being able to clearly state your need helps in every negotiation and in every other phase of life.
-Michael C. Donaldson, Negotiating for Dummies
As an expert in negotiations, Michael Donaldson says he gets asked for his secret to closing all the time. And everyone is surprised when his answer is just to ask for the sale or contract. No magic, no flashy tricks, just ask for it. And his point is well taken. In one way, he's saying that we should clearly ask for the business when we start to close, then ask for it again after we knock down each objection. Each such moment in the conversation is another opportunity to confidently assume the sale.
In a second sense, he's also saying that if we have already done our jobs in terms of qualifying our customer and demonstrating how our product or service meets (and hopefully exceeds) their needs, there isn't anything else we should have to do besides ask. Those things we do to set up the sale are the "wow," not the part where we ask for the sale. If we need to do something extra special at the time we're ready to close, it's already too late.
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