Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.
- W.T. Purkiser
On this day of Thanksgiving, pause and consider not only your blessings, but what you can do with them to show your true appreciation for all that has been given to you. From your list of things to be thankful for this year, select at least one. If you are thankful to a person for their help, support, or guidance, what can you do to give help, support, or guidance back to them in the next year? If you are thankful for a lucky circumstance, what can you do to make the most of that luck? Can you spread your blessings around? Can you "pay it forward"?
Make a clear goal for yourself, and write it down. As we've discussed in the past (here and here, for example) one of the best ways to improve your success in achieving your goals is to write them down.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving from everyone at ProSolutions.