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Customer Service & Sales: The Proof is in the "Putting"

Katie Scheer | Jun 2, 2015 10:00:00 AM

 Proof_is_in_the_PuttingYou only get out of it what you put into it. So how much effort are you putting into making sure that your customer service and sales practices are top notch? Do you have training and quality assurance measures in place?  If not, you might be losing out on untapped revenue.  Never fear- we have some delicious ideas for your "pudding" so you will know what to do to make sure that you are putting in what it takes to make a difference.  

Having strong customer service and sales skills are your key ingredients in making sure your "pudding" is something your customers continue to want to taste, buy, and talk about.  What 5 ingredients do you need in your "pudding"?  Here they are (click on the image to download it and share as you please- you're welcome!)...

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Quality Assurance, Customer Experience, Sales and Selling

ProTip: Watch the Order You Ask Questions in for More Targeted Results

Michelle Nitchie | May 21, 2015 10:00:00 AM

Targeted_QuestionsEven if you need very specific information... a good strategy is to start with a few open-ended questions and become more focused as you go.  This gives you the opportunity to develop a rapport with the other person while at the same time getting some valuable background data.  It just takes a little patience, which is essential anyway if you want to get honest, reliable information.

-Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, Ph.D. and Wendy Patrick Mazzarella, Reading People

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Topics: Rapport, Customer Service, Communication, Discovery and Questioning Skills

Your Love Affair with the K.I.S.S. Method of Customer Service

Katie Scheer | May 19, 2015 10:00:00 AM

 K.I.S.S._Method_of_CSSome of you may recall when we introduced this concept nearly a year ago, and we are re-introducing it due to some great love for it and since we want you all to have the freebie that we are including. 

So you ask: what does KISSing have to do with customer service? A LOT!  For those of you who don't know, K.I.S.S. stands for "Keep it simple, stupid."  Implementing good, basic customer service practices is not hard (in fact, it's rather simple!), and for many people, it comes naturally once they are given a gentle nudge to embrace these skills.  What simple (K.I.S.S.) customer service standards and practices should we all embrace, no matter what business we are in?  Just nail these 4 skills...

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service Skills List, Listening, Customer Service, Problem Resolution, First Impressions and Greetings

ProTip: "The Customer is Always Right" is Wrong

Michelle Nitchie | May 7, 2015 10:00:00 AM

RightandWrongFaulty assumption #1 – The customer is always right.  Using such polar thinking – right versus wrong – precludes getting at the real issue of how we can build mutually useful relationships…Rightness and wrongness is less important than finding solutions.

- Dr. Paul R. Timm, Seven Power Strategies for Building Customer Loyalty

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Problem Resolution

ProTip: One Easy Step to Improve Any Customer Inquiry

Michelle Nitchie | Apr 30, 2015 10:00:00 AM

SayYesICanRespond to your customer's opening statement with an assurance that you can help.  Say something like, "Absolutely.  I can help you with that."  Even if you are going to refer the customer to another department or employee, you can give an assurance.  Say, "I'm going to transfer you to the department that can take care of this for you, but I will stay on the line until someone answers."

- Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Customer Experience, First Impressions and Greetings

Grande Lakes Orlando Nails Customer Service - Do You?

Katie Scheer | Apr 21, 2015 10:00:00 AM

Being in the business of making an impact on customer experiences, there's nothing that gets me more excited than being a part of, or witness to, amazing customer service.  What's better than that is when the same company delivers this outstanding level of service on a consistent basis Hats off to Grande Lakes Orlando, specifically The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes, and Primo restaurant at JW Grande Lakes, for doing just that! 

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Topics: Memorable Interactions, Customer Service Skills, Being Attentive, Exceeding Expectations, Customer Service, Customer Experience

Tips and resources on how to be a master of customer service and sales; to improve yourself personally, as an employee, and as a leader; and much more.

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