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ProTip: Don't Lose the Customer if You Lose the Sale

Michelle Nitchie | Apr 9, 2015 10:00:00 AM

ThumbsUpValidate customers' decisions.  Even if you do not agree with customers' choices, always validate their decisions.  If the vacuum salesperson was not able to make the sale, he could validate the customer's decision by saying, "I understand how you feel.  This brand is costly."

- Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101

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Topics: Memorable Interactions, Business Skills, Customer Service, Customer Lifecycle, Demonstrating Consideration

ProTip: Ask Your Customer What to Do

Michelle Nitchie | Mar 26, 2015 10:00:00 AM

ProblemSolvingAheadIf your best solution is not suitable for the customer, try to find something that will work.  If you are at a loss to know how to resolve a problem, ask the customer what she would do to solve the problem if this were her business.  Asking that question will help the customer walk in your shoes.  Work together to come up with a realistic solution that is mutually acceptable.

Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Business Skills, Customer Service, Problem Resolution

ProTip: Are You Leveraging Time?

Michelle Nitchie | Mar 19, 2015 10:00:00 AM

TimelinessA rose on time is far more valuable than a $1,000 gift that's too late.

- Jim Rohn

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Topics: Being Attentive, Business Skills, Customer Service, Time Management

4 Questions On How To Know Your Customer

Jana Love | Mar 17, 2015 10:00:00 AM

Know-Your-Customer-via-ThinkStock-224x136Great service organizations know how to read their customers and respond.  Businesses who lose sight or misunderstand who their customers are, what they want, or what matters most to them, are at risk. Focused service organizations train their employees to notice customer body language, to observe the surroundings for all customer touch points, and how to REACT and RESPOND with informed knowledge. Holding employees accountable for this level of service is what makes the difference. "The secret to world-class service is knowing the true customer and aligning all participating resources and people with the value stream that leads to that customer." -John Murphy

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Topics: Memorable Interactions, Customer Service, Customer Experience, Discovery and Questioning Skills

25 Customer Service Skills You Should Have

Katie Scheer | Mar 10, 2015 10:00:00 AM

customer service toolsOutstanding customer service is what drives success since it is what keeps your customers, and who they tell about you, coming back time and time again.  I know- you have heard this before from us, but we don't think you can hear it enough as having strong customer service skills can make or break you, and we want to keep your business thriving. You can't have enough tips and tricks in your customer service tool box, so we want to fill your box with more.

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service Skills List, Customer Service, Customer Experience

Top Hospitality Industry Trends for 2015

Katie Scheer | Feb 24, 2015 10:00:00 AM

whats_trendingA key to longevity, success, and profitability is to stay on top of trends, and it's even more optimal to be the trendsetterWe do market research and competitor analysis at >3,000 global hotels per year so we witness, see, and hear what initiatives are being implemented and what is trending in this fast-paced, highly competitive industry.  Here's our professional take on the top hospitality trends that you should capitalize on in 2015:

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Topics: Customer Service, Customer Experience, Hospitality Trends

Tips and resources on how to be a master of customer service and sales; to improve yourself personally, as an employee, and as a leader; and much more.

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