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ProTips: Listening is More Brain and Less Ears

Michelle Nitchie | Feb 20, 2014 8:00:00 AM


ProTips_ListenWe may think we know what someone is trying to say, particularly if we make assumptions about them and their motives or agendas.  But generally speaking, we are not learning when our mouths are moving.  We are also not learning when we become too focused on what we want to say, the points we want to make, or when we spend time judging whether or not the person speaking is right or wrong.  Pay attention to what is being said.  When people in business fail to hear and understand each other, the results can be disastrous.

- Brown, Haygood, and McLean, The Little Black Book of Success

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Topics: Being Attentive, Listening, Customer Service

A FOCUSed Approach = Higher Sales

Katie Scheer | Feb 18, 2014 10:00:00 AM

Businesses aren't successful by chance.  Someone, who may be you, has to focus and have the vision for what it takes to thrive in today's economy and to continue to provide exceptional service to a demanding consumer market who has high expectations.  Might sound complicated, but let's make it easy and go back to "base camp."  How about you simply embrace and teach our "FOCUS" concept, which is a simple method that truly focuses on successfully serving your customers?  It always comes back to paying attention to service and delivery when you want to move your needle of success and increase your sales.  Right?

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Training, Customer Experience, Sales and Selling, First Impressions and Greetings

What About The Customer Experience?

Jana Love | Feb 11, 2014 10:00:00 AM

16 years ago Joseph Pine and James Gilmore wrote an incredibly insightful book called, The Experience Economy.  This book continues to be one of my favorite reference books. You might be thinking, "16 years ago isn't exactly current information and material to reference."  Well, think again because here's a timeless statement from the book, "If societies are to seek continued economic prosperity, they must stage experiences to add sufficient value to their economies to employ the masses (goods and services are no longer enough)." Creating memorable customer experiences must be a business discipline in all organizations who wish to survive and achieve successful longevity.

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Topics: Memorable Interactions, Exceeding Expectations, Customer Service, Customer Experience

8 Customer Service Statistics You Need to Know

Katie Scheer | Feb 4, 2014 10:00:00 AM

It’s no coincidence that companies that deliver outstanding customer service are industry leaders and innovators. So why aren’t companies focusing on improving the service that they deliver?  It seems like this is a no-brainer; however, companies get too lazy, caught up in the day-to-day, and/or don’t want to invest the time and money on mandating a focus on service excellence. Don’t be one of these companies- it’s careless and brainless.

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Topics: Memorable Interactions, Customer Service

Customer Service: A Secret to Selling

Katie Scheer | Jan 21, 2014 10:00:00 AM

customer_service_salesYou have heard it all before - to make a sale, you need to understand needs, have good product knowledge, find the "fit," and so on.  All true; however, without delivering memorable customer service by showing that you genuinely care about the customer through treating him with respect and proving that he can trust you, you may still earn the sale, but you won't acquire a bigger sale or loyalty

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Sales and Selling

Tips and resources on how to be a master of customer service and sales; to improve yourself personally, as an employee, and as a leader; and much more.

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