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Would You Buy From You?

Jana Love | Mar 14, 2017 9:04:00 AM

I challenge all of you sales people out there to answer one question ~ honestly. Would you buy from you? Consider all you bring to your sales table, your approach, the words you choose, your voice, your appearance, and mannerisms. Would you get the attention of the perspective buyer, or would they continue their search?

The sales person, in the beginning, is the initial attraction to the product being sold. The importance of this moment in the sales process can't be overlooked or underestimated. If the perspective buyer can't connect with the sales person, they often won't even consider what is being sold. 

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Topics: Business Skills, Sales and Selling, First Impressions and Greetings

No Second Chances with First Impressions

Katie Scheer | Apr 19, 2016 9:24:00 AM



First impressions are powerful. So powerful, in fact, that in customer service, they have a direct impact on your bottom-line.  This should be an obvious and known fact, but if so, why is it that we still witness so many poor, sloppy, and sometimes embarrassing first impressions from businesses?  Don't let your customers be victims of this.  We have quick tips and helpful information for you and your team so you all be masters of the first impression (which translates to more business and revenue!).

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Topics: Customer Service, First Impressions and Greetings

ProTip: Timing Your Smile

Michelle Nitchie | Jan 14, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Smile.jpgWe know from the latest neuroscience research that our brains are programmed to "catch" the other person's delight and happiness whenever we see a genuine smile.  So…wait until you've been introduced, then as you shake your new acquaintance's hand and say her name, you smile broadly.  Body-language-savvy alpha leaders know this trick - it's as if you and your name brought a smile to their face.

- Janine Driver, You Say More Than You Think

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Topics: Rapport, Confidence, Communication, First Impressions and Greetings

ProTip: Put Out the Welcome Mat

Michelle Nitchie | Aug 27, 2015 10:00:00 AM


Think about the businesses you recently walked into that made you feel welcome.  What did the employees do that made you feel welcome?  What aspects of the appearance of the business made you feel welcome?

-Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101



Why is the welcome mat such a ubiquitous item?  The mat itself is just functional, but the words on it are there because ultimately, we all want to feel welcomed in wherever we go.  This is especially true with a business: are you losing potential business before you even get your customers in the door, both literally and metaphorically, because they don't feel that sense of welcome? 

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Topics: Customer Experience, First Impressions and Greetings

Your Love Affair with the K.I.S.S. Method of Customer Service

Katie Scheer | May 19, 2015 10:00:00 AM

 K.I.S.S._Method_of_CSSome of you may recall when we introduced this concept nearly a year ago, and we are re-introducing it due to some great love for it and since we want you all to have the freebie that we are including. 

So you ask: what does KISSing have to do with customer service? A LOT!  For those of you who don't know, K.I.S.S. stands for "Keep it simple, stupid."  Implementing good, basic customer service practices is not hard (in fact, it's rather simple!), and for many people, it comes naturally once they are given a gentle nudge to embrace these skills.  What simple (K.I.S.S.) customer service standards and practices should we all embrace, no matter what business we are in?  Just nail these 4 skills...

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service Skills List, Listening, Customer Service, Problem Resolution, First Impressions and Greetings

ProTip: One Easy Step to Improve Any Customer Inquiry

Michelle Nitchie | Apr 30, 2015 10:00:00 AM

SayYesICanRespond to your customer's opening statement with an assurance that you can help.  Say something like, "Absolutely.  I can help you with that."  Even if you are going to refer the customer to another department or employee, you can give an assurance.  Say, "I'm going to transfer you to the department that can take care of this for you, but I will stay on the line until someone answers."

- Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Customer Experience, First Impressions and Greetings

Tips and resources on how to be a master of customer service and sales; to improve yourself personally, as an employee, and as a leader; and much more.

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