Michelle Nitchie | Jun 13, 2017 9:04:00 AM
Topics: Business Skills, Branding, Leadership and Management
Michelle Nitchie | May 23, 2017 9:04:00 AM
Topics: Goals, Managing Stress, Job Satisfaction, Self Improvement, Growth
Michelle Nitchie | May 2, 2017 9:04:00 AM
What is good leadership? It starts with leading by example. Don't expect your staff to do something if you're not doing it yourself. Absolutely every single thing you ask or require of your staff you must also be willing to do yourself. This doesn't mean you need to do their jobs, but it does mean you should know how to and you should be willing to pitch in when necessary. It also means you need to abide by all of the same rules, and you must be consistent. Many owners try to justify their bad behavior by telling me, "Yeah, but I am the boss." But all that their employees see is a boss who is lazy and two-faced. You can't exempt yourself just because you're in charge.
-Tabatha Coffey, Own It!
Topics: Business Skills, Culture, Honesty and Trust, Leadership and Management
Michelle Nitchie | Apr 11, 2017 9:04:00 AM
The financial and human resources needed to fulfill the mission of any initiative - be it one that pertains to customer experience or to some other area of the organization - are always in short supply. Even if they aren't, the problems of time and attention still remain. For example, just because you have the money to do something doesn't mean you have the time or the organizational "bandwidth" to do it. Attempting to juggle multiple initiatives - even just a few - significantly affects employees throughout the organization.
- Roy Barnes and Bob Kelleher, Customer Experience for Dummies
Topics: Business Skills, Goals, Time Management, Leadership and Management, Expectations
Michelle Nitchie | Mar 21, 2017 9:04:00 AM
Think about the last three times you became upset about something in your personal life. It's almost a certainty that at least one of those situations was caused by the fact that your limits were crossed. You probably didn't articulate those limits in advance. For example, your neighbor comes over unannounced to chat. You have only a few minutes to spare, but you fail to tell your visitor. Out of kindness, you listen while your blood pressure rises as the neighbor talks for an hour.
-Michael C. Donaldson, Negotiating for Dummies
Topics: Managing Stress, Communication, Demonstrating Consideration, Difficult Situations, Self Improvement
Michelle Nitchie | Feb 28, 2017 9:04:00 AM
Topics: Business Skills, Goals, Growth