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ProSo Picks #7: Unwrap Some Memorable Customer Service

Katie Scheer | Dec 13, 2016 9:16:00 AM


Xmas Gift.pngAh, it's the holiday season—the season of giving and the creation of lasting memories.  With giving that means customers are spending a lot, which heightens stress levels, and also means that these customers are more aware of the customer service that they are receiving.  So we have a gift for you.  We are giving you a present that includes tips for keeping up with the increasing customer service expectations of customers and lessons on how to exceed their increasing customer service needs.  When you unwrap and uncover these basic service strategies you will find that your customers will continue to come back to buy more.  Now, happy holidays to all of you!  We appreciate your readership very much.

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Growth, Loyalty

ProSo Picks #6: How Much Do You Really Know About Customer Service?

Katie Scheer | Nov 1, 2016 9:32:00 AM


According to Wikipedia, customer service is "the provision of service before, during, and after a purchase." It goes on to say that "customer service plays an important role in an organization's ability to generate income and revenue. From that perspective, customer service should be included as part of an overall approach to systematic improvement." We whole-heartedly agree; thank you, Wikipedia, for supporting the messages that we drive home on a daily basis. You know we are passionate about this, and it's no surprise that these "picks," once again, give you solid and unique tips and tricks for executing outstanding customer service. Scoop up your favorites and create your own list of tips—train to them, be consistent with execution, and reap the rewards!

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Growth, Loyalty

ProSo Picks #5: Wait- National Customer Service Week was last week?

Katie Scheer | Oct 11, 2016 9:24:00 AM


Sam_Walton_Quote.pngYes, we are focusing on customer service again.  The Sam Walton quote is the eye opener that we all need in order to understand just how important it is to be masters of customer service.  Your customers hold the key to unlocking your business success, so if you are not treating them right and giving them what they need, your business will be locked down and shut down.  Now, we don't want this to happen, so take a moment to learn the 3 tips and 5 secrets relating to customer service.  All 8 are not rocket science concepts and don't require moving mountains in order to implement.  Just takes some understanding, implementation, and consistency.  The value will be felt—we can promise you that!

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Growth, Loyalty

ProSo Picks #4: A Couple Helpings of Customer Service with a Side of Negativity

Katie Scheer | Sep 20, 2016 9:16:00 AM


angry_caller_4.pngService, service, service.  It's the nuts and bolts of our business and at least a key driver of your business The many articles and training materials we provide mostly focus on customer service because we are passionate about your ability to achieve success through strong service skills. You can't get too many tips, suggestions, or ideas for best practices on this super important topic, but if you ignore them, it may cost you and your business a lot of money.  For our picks this time, we are shaking it up a bit—you will not only get some fresh thoughts on mastering customer service and how to develop better customer relationships, but you will also learn how to navigate through your negative attitude when it shows it's ugly head.  Your negativity can be converted into a productive return, which most definitely impacts your customers' impressions.  So away we go...enjoy!

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Customer Service, Growth, Loyalty

ProTip: Try the Truth

Michelle Nitchie | Aug 23, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Try_the_Truth.pngA top executive in a public relations firm has a favorite saying for clients who are at a loss about what to reveal: "When all else fails, try the truth."  In business, as in life, telling the truth—no matter the short-term consequences—is far more beneficial than getting caught in a deception.  People are generally forgiving, almost to a fault.  But deceive them and they will remember it for a long, long time.  "Try the truth" applies to everyone in the workplace: the boss, the manager, the new employee, the client, the contractor.

- Emily Post's The Etiquette Advantage in Business

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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Business Skills, Culture, Etiquette, Difficult Situations

Problem Resolution ~ REACT

Jana Love | Aug 16, 2016 9:04:00 AM

Mistakes are to be expected in service situations, but knowing how to recover an angry or frustrated customer into a loyal customer is a learned art. A Customer-Focused Attitude is critical for successful service recovery.  Employees need to be trained to anticipate and identify potential problems, as well as have the experience to make decisions and to deliver skillful solutions to customer problems. The statistics below show just how important company reactions are to service loyalty. 


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Topics: Customer Service Skills, Problem Resolution, Loyalty

Tips and resources on how to be a master of customer service and sales; to improve yourself personally, as an employee, and as a leader; and much more.

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