Jana Love | Jun 4, 2019 9:36:00 AM
Topics: Problem Resolution, Difficult Situations, Take Responsibility
Michelle Nitchie | May 28, 2019 9:04:00 AM
Topics: Memorable Interactions, Customer Service Skills, Respect, Empowerment, Generosity
Katie Scheer | May 21, 2019 9:33:00 AM
Mastering customer service requires you to first master customer conversations. Why? Conversation is the foundation of the customer experience. Each time you communicate with your customers you are paving the road that defines the future of your relationship with them. Your goal is to travel a long road with them, so you need to ask yourself if your conversations are building trust, moving you closer to more sales, effective with resolving questions/concerns, and more.
Topics: Listening, Customer Service, Customer Experience, Communication
Natalie Green | May 14, 2019 1:14:00 PM
Efficiency and productivity are a culmination of many things, including time management, streamlining processes, communicating, prioritizing, and organizing, that all come together just to get THE THING done. Now THE THING is anything really, from a multi-faceted project you’ve been working on for 6 months, to the mountain of laundry that’s been piling up in the corner for far too long. It doesn’t matter what THE THING is, what matters is how you’re going to conquer it.
Topics: Time Management, Communication, Productivity
Jana Love | May 7, 2019 9:12:00 AM
How are you maximizing your business' customer service through social media? Do you have eyes on all platforms?
These days, businesses must have a dedicated social media employee or team to monitor any and all comments and complaints that cycle in. Approximately 70% of customer service complaints made on Twitter go unanswered by the tagged businesses. This is a perfect example of poor customer service, and social media is changing the customer service world by making complaining as easy as 140 characters or less.
Topics: Customer Service, Customer Experience, Social Media
Jana Love | Apr 30, 2019 9:06:00 AM
Teamwork...At the center of every high-preforming team is a common purpose that drives each member. This is a mission that goes above and beyond each of the individual team members. Each person has to commit and accept the rules that apply to your team, and this requires an extraordinary amount of trust, faith, and belief in one another. To be successful, the team's interests and needs must come first. Each team member's unique individual differences make up the team and make the team stronger. The word "team" is about focus and vision, and it is this collective effort that empowers a team and helps generate synergy ~ which fosters TEAMWORK.
Topics: Teamwork